Football-specific Training Protocols
Many aspects of the Athletic Republic sports performance training programs are universal to all sports, designed to develop overall athleticism and resilience, but we also recognize that each sport and discipline has specific demands.
We address those needs not only with our individualized “One Size Fits One” approach to training, but with extensive sport-specific protocols developed over nearly three decades of training athletes.
Become a better football player with science-based training in florida, ny
Become a better football player with science-based training in florida, ny
We take football training far beyond the standard weight room. Our football training for prepubescent athletes focuses on developing coordination, agility and speed since muscle mass develops later in a young athlete’s life. As athletes mature and the level of competition increases, training focuses more on the development of power/strength and running efficiency. Professional players spend the largest portion of time on power/strength development, but still spend time working on movement skills and running efficiency.

Join a Sports Performance Training Class in florida, ny for Free
Join a Sports Performance Training Class in florida, ny for Free
Athletic Republic is not simply a place to work out. It’s where better athletes are made. We’re the premier destination for individualized, highly effective, sport-specific training that’s like no other.